Below, you will find a copy of each policy at Riversdale Primary School. These are reviewed and updated regularly by the Senior Leadership Team and school Governors. For the SEND Policy, please refer to the SEND page here.
Should you have any questions regarding these, or would like a paper copy provided, please feel free to contact us.
Our school is a local authority maintained school and so determines the admission arrangements in agreement with Wandsworth Borough Council. The Admissions Authority for our school is the local authority which publishes its entry regulations every year. Parents and carers can receive a copy of these regulations directly from the local authority.
For further detail, you can access our admissions policy here.
At Riversdale Primary School, we believe that the key aim of assessment is to support teachers in planning for pupil achievement and progress. To see how this is achieved, please find the policy here.
We expect all children on roll to attend every day, when the school is in session, as long as they arefit andhealthyenough to do so. We do allwe canto encourage the children to attend, and to put in place appropriate procedures. Read more here.
Riversdale Primary School is committed to the belief that excellent behaviour should be celebrated and that barriers to this can be addressed in a positive, supportive and productive manner. This policy aims to:
You can find this policy here.
All the education we provide during normal school hours is at no charge to pupils. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum, however, there are circumstances where we may request voluntary contributions in order to support us in providing the best standard possible. More information about this can be found here.
With regard to lettings of the school spaces, there is a charge for this, dependent on the space, which is used to cover the on-costs of the letting. You can find more information about this here.
Whilst we are very proud of our school, we know that no one gets things right all of the time. We are committed to working with you to provide the absolute best for all of our children and this includes responding quickly and proportionately to concerns that you raise. This policy sets out what the school will do if you wish to raise that concern informally, or to make a formal complaint. You can find the rest of the policy here.
Please note formal complaints will only be considered if written on the correct form. You can find this here.
Our school aims to ensure that all personal data collected about staff, pupils, parents, governors, visitors and other individuals is collected, stored and processed in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the expected provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) as set out in the Data Protection Bill. This policy applies to all personal data, regardless of whether it is in paper or electronic forma
For more information about how the school collects and processes personal data, you can read this policy here.
The policy outlines the commitment of the staff and Governors to promote equality. This involves tackling the barriers which could lead to unequal outcomes so that there is equality of access and the diversity within the school community is celebrated and valued. Read more.
Please also see out Equality Information and Objectives here.
The governors and headteacher of Riversdale accept their responsibility under the Health and Safety Regulations and acknowledge the importance of providing First Aid for employees, pupils and visitors within the school. The aims of our first aid policy are to:
For further detail, you can access the policy here.
All public authorities, including schools, are required under the Freedom of Information Act to adopt a publication scheme that has been approved by the Information Commissioner.
The school has adopted the ICO’s model scheme Please see this here.
The school also publishes, as required, a publication scheme which specifies:
You can find the school's publication scheme here.
We are committed to ensuring that the children in our care grow into healthy adults, this being the first of the five principal requirements of the Children Act 2004 ('Every Child Matters'). Find out more.
At Riversdale Primary School, we consider home learning to be any activity that pupils do outside the normal school day that contributes to their learning, in response to guidance from the school. This encompasses a whole variety of activities instigated by either teachers and/or parents/carers to support the children's learning. Read more.
Our school aims to be an inclusive school. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children. Read more
We believe feedback and marking should be timely and constructive for every child. We practice an inclusive education where we believe in enabling all pupils to fully participate in their progress. We focus on success and improvement needs. We mark "in the moment" against learning intentions: enabling children to become reflective learners and helping them to close the gap between current and desired performance. More information can be found here.
Riversdale takes a holistic view of child development and recognises that emotional wellbeing and mental health cannot be separated from physical health and the context of the child’s environment, family and unique personality. We are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff and we know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. You can read our policy by clicking here.
Online safety is an integral part of safeguarding and requires a whole school, cross-curricular approach and collaboration between key school leads. Accordingly, this policy is written in line with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ 2023 (KCSIE), ‘Teaching Online Safety in Schools’, statutory RSHE guidance and other statutory documents. It is cross-curricular (with relevance beyond Relationships, Sex and Health Education and Computing) and designed to sit alongside the school’s statutory Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy. Any issues and concerns with online safety WILL always follow the school’s safeguarding and child protection procedures.
For more information, you can read the policy here.
To comply with the UK GDPR, the school has developed privacy notices which state what data is held about our pupils, staff and wider school community, the legal basis by which this information is held and the purpose behind it. You can find the most relevant Pupil and Parent/Carer Privacy Notice below:
At Riversdale, RSE is underpinned by the ethos and values of our school (Respect, individuality, value, entrust, reflect, share, democracy, aspire, love, empathy). Our vision is to create a safe, positive and stimulating environment in which all members of the school community learn and grow in confidence, knowledge and skills.
Through our RSE and PSHE programmes we aim to provide children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens. In providing children with an understanding of healthy and respectful relationships and appropriate boundaries, we consider effective RSE to be a fundamental part of our approach to supporting pupils to grow into confident, caring, responsible and respectful young citizens.
For more information, you can find our RSE policy by clicking this link.
Riversdale will continue to use the Google Suite for Education range of facilities for remote learning/education. For more information about how the school uses and monitors the Google for Education Suite of applications, please read the Virtual Learning Environment Policy on the school's Policies page.
A general overview of remote learning at Riversdale, based on the DfE's advice, can be seen here: Remote Learning Provision.
To further support parents/carers in understanding what their child(ren)'s remote learning experience may look like, depending on the differinng levels of remote education, we have developed an additional document based on parent/carer FAQs. Although the document is dated 2021-22, the structure discussed will apply where applicable. Read More.
The Governors and staff of Riversdale Primary school fully recognise the responsibilities and duty placed upon them to have arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils at the school. We recognise that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm. This document, written by Wandsworth Local Authority for Riversdale Primary School, concentrates on the core child protection work which is part of Safeguarding Children. Read more.
Please see the Appendices to the above policy here.
In relation to safeguarding and child protection, please see our Child-on-Child abuse policy here.
It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, and when participating in a school organised event outside normal school hours. School uniform is part of the school ethos and in coming to Riversdale parents agree to support our policy. For this reason it is not expensive. If parents do have any difficulties then do contact the school for support and guidance. For more information, please read our policy.
Across the school, the expectation is that all pupils are provided with high quality learning experiences that lead to consistently high levels of achievement for all pupils. As such, we recognise that continued and sustained improvement in pupil outcomes is dependent upon improving the quality of teaching and learning that is taking place on a daily basis. To ensure that the teachers in the school become the most effective practitioners they can be the school’s teaching and learning policies and practices use principles established from evidence-based research, cognitive science and experience.
To find out more read our policy here.
Below are copies of the Safeguarding Policy's appendices, relating to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic and the UK exit from the European Union: