
The Riversdale Primary School Governing Body consists of a wide range of people from both within the school community and local area. The role of any school Governing Body is to act as the school's 'critical friend', ensuring the school is held to account for the quality of provision for children.

The current Chair of Governors is a shared role between: Sue Burke and Ann Kerr.

If you have any questions or comments, then please do email us at or attend one of our termly "Meet the Governors" days.

How governors are appointed

The Local Authority has a pool of candidates who have been previously vetted, who would like to become school governors, and the school governing body chooses from this pool new Local Authority appointed governors when a position becomes vacant.

How the governing body works

The Board of Governors has a corporate responsibility only and Governors have no individual powers. Governors may only take on the roles and tasks assigned or delegated to them by the Governing Body.

The full Governing Body meets once each term. All Governors are expected to sit on one of the two Committees, which meet at least once each term to deal with the detailed aspects of the school’s and Governors' work. In addition, every governor is a link governor for a specific subject, both academic and pastoral. They meet twice a year with the subject leader to monitor progress and achievement.

Governors monitor the School Priority Development Plan and assess progress against targets/action, and the subsequent impact on learning. They monitor, through the Headteacher's Report, different aspects of school life, (e.g. Safeguarding and Health and Safety issues).

Through the report from the Director of Education for Wandsworth, and in discussion in the various meetings, wider educational issues, and how these can impact on the quality of teaching and learning at Riversdale, are also examined.

Parents are able to meet with a member of the governing body at parents' evenings. 

View the Instrument of Government Document.

View the Governing body at Riversdale.

View the results of the latest parents/carer survey.

View the results of the latest pupil survey

View the Governors Impact Statement - In the process of updating.

View the Resources Committee Terms of Reference.

View the Curriculum and Standards Committee Terms of Reference.

Useful links
Useful Links for Parents

Here's a quick link to some useful information for parents and carers, including home learning apps and the school's communication app.

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Our Address

    Riversdale Primary School
    302A Merton Road
    Wandsworth London
    SW18 5JP

    0208 874 6904
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