

Through high-quality science teaching, we aim for pupils at Riversdale to develop a clear understanding of key scientific concepts in biology, chemistry, and physics. Our engaging and in-depth curriculum will support pupils in acquiring the skills which are essential to work scientifically, such as observing, testing, and drawing conclusions, as we believe that such skills enable pupils to independently explore the world around them, tapping into their natural curiosity and prompting them to ask: "Why?"

Science at Riversdale is accessible to all pupils, regardless of their confidence, prior schooling, or individual support needs, whilst also challenging them to deepen their learning and engage in critical thinking. We aim to equip students with a solid scientific foundation and the confidence to think scientifically, empowering them in other areas of their lives and preparing them for future study.


At Riversdale all pupils are exposed to high-quality science teaching and learning experiences which allow them to explore and build upon scientific concepts. Planning carefully balances theoretical with practical exploration to allow pupils to experience the ideas in a real-life setting, as these promote a deeper understanding and support the process of moving learning from working memory into long-term memory.

As part of our Science teaching, pupils will have the opportunity to tackle problems, form questions, generate and test ideas. As they progress through the school, they will also begin to apply their prior learning to decide how to seek solutions to a range of scientific questions. They are immersed in scientific vocabulary, which aids their knowledge and understanding not only of the subject matter they are studying, but of the world around them and links are made to prior learning so that pupils can see how their knowledge around a concept is progressing and deepening. Where possible, pupils will explore their outdoor environment and locality, to further develop their scientific enquiry and investigative skills.

Curriculum Progression

At Riversdale Primary School we believe in the importance of all children developing a deep understanding of science and in embedding the substantive knowledge and disciplinary skills into their long-term memory. As such, the progression of science has been carefully mapped, with a consideration to connected subject matter and opportunities to revisit specific concepts over time.

You can find a copy of the 2024-25 Science Progression Document here.  

Lesson Delivery

Pupils will undertake at least one science lesson each week. In each lesson, the children have carefully selected facts that they will learn (substantive knowledge), in conjunction with developing and consolidating specific disciplinary skills. Class teachers will use a wide range of means to impart the desired knowledge such as through the use of technology, role play and specific text books, as well as investigations that allow pupils to discover answers to questions posed by themselves, their peers or their teachers. To further support their learning, pupils have the opportunity to go on trips that complement the subject matter, including observation of local wildlife in Coronation Gardens (as mentioned above), or a trip to venues such as the Science Museum. Where relevant, the school will also arrange for external visitors to further support and deepen pupils learning around a concept. 

As the pupils progress through the school, the length of their lessons may increase, in order to support them in developing their working scientifically skills, including recording and communicating findings from an investigation in writing. 

Pupils are provided with a Knowledge Organiser that:

  • outlines prior learning that they will be building upon,
  • lists the sequence of lessons so that pupils know what they are studying,
  • identifies the most significant knowledge that they should gain,
  • includes images of key concepts, or significant examples to provide additional context for the pupils,
  • defines the subject specific terminology that they are expected to learn and use.

You can find the Autumn 2024-25 Knowledge Organisers for Science below:

Autumn 1:

Autumn 2: 

Curriculum Policies

Please find our Science policy below:

  • Science - Currently Being Updated
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    Riversdale Primary School
    302A Merton Road
    Wandsworth London
    SW18 5JP

    0208 874 6904
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