Outdoor Education

Here at Riversdale, we believe the outdoor environment is an inspiring medium for meaningful and memorable learning experiences in terms of skills and personal development. These learning experiences have been shown to be particularly effective when there is a process to encourage the transfer of learning back to the young person's everyday life.

Outdoor learning opportunities makes a significant contribution to the well-being of young people provide a wealth of learning experiences that support the development of these skills, whether it is through team building and problem-solving exercises, orienteering, climbing, journeying, fieldwork, cultural visits etc.

The outdoors provides a fun and challenging environment in which to learn and offers young people a clear framework in which to develop risk management skills, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and for young people to make a positive contribution as responsible citizens when working in the outdoor environment.

You can read the Outdoor Learning Policy here

Useful links
Useful Links for Parents

Here's a quick link to some useful information for parents and carers, including home learning apps and the school's communication app.

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Our address
Our Address

    Riversdale Primary School
    302A Merton Road
    Wandsworth London
    SW18 5JP

    0208 874 6904
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